R4V Activities Reporting in ActivityInfo (Caribbean)

25 Jan 2022 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm

*Zona horaria: UTC. La hora de este evento se muestra en UTC, agréguela a un calendario para adaptarla a su zona horaria local.




The R4V Caribbean IM team will provide and overview/refresher on activities reporting for the 2022 RMRP in ActivityInfo.

  • Overview of RMRP reporting requirements and procedures
  • Demonstration of the ActivityInfo reporting tool

This orientation is for all Caribbean Appealing Partners to the 2022 RMRP, in particular for the reporting focal points who will be entering the information on a monthly basis.

It is especially recommended for partners who are new to the RMRP this year, and for those who would like a refresher on the system as well as to learn about the changes in this year's format.

Enlace de la reunión
  • RMRP
Mar, 01/25/2022 - 18:00 - Mar, 01/25/2022 - 19:00