Climate Emergency Rapid Needs Assessment. Rapid Needs Assessment Report for the regions of Tumbes, Lambayeque, La Libertad y Lima

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Data and statistics, Report

Within the framework of the climate emergency in Peru, HIAS conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) for the regions of Tumbes, Lambayeque, La Libertad, and Lima. The objective of this assessment was to identify the main needs, risks, and livelihoods of the affected population, and to ensure that humanitarian aid interventions, to be developed considering the emergency, are effective and appropriate for the population’s real needs.

HIAS used a quantitative methodology with a rapid needs assessment contextualized tool for climate emergency to assess a total of 370 affected households. Surveys were conducted in person in the areas affected by huaicos (mudslide and flash flood caused by torrential rains), floods, and heavy rain by a team of 26 survey takers from March 30 through April 5.

  • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)

  • IM - Information Management
  • Education
  • Food Security
  • Health
  • Protection
  • Shelter
  • WASH
  • Peru
  • Tumbes
  • Data & Statistics
  • Situation Reports
24 October 23
24 Octubre 23
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