Regional Information Management Workshop

01 Aug 2023 2:00 pm - 03 Aug 2023 10:30 pm

*Zona horaria: UTC. La hora de este evento se muestra en UTC, agréguela a un calendario para adaptarla a su zona horaria local.





• Present and discuss methodologies applied at national levels to estimate population stock in countries with no official and public data sources comprising all population groups.
Based thereon, update the overview of methodologies applied per R4V country, captured in the R4V Population Data Portal.
• Taking into account the agreed planning scenario, review and discuss mixed movement flow dynamics, as well as their respective routes (departures from Venezuela, returns to Venezuela, routes to the north, etc.), for the RMRP 2024 Update of population projections.
• Analyze and discuss national JNA data and the PiN calculations (incl. methodologies).
• Present R4V’s DataPortal through an interactive exercise with a special emphasis on documenting the latest figures, sources and methodologies used to calculate each country’s population stock.


• Increase the transparency, quality and harmonization of the key R4V figures and applicable methodologies, particularly the ones concerning population stock, population projections and PiN estimates. Updated population projections and PiN estimates are to be submitted by 18 August (version 2).

  • Refugiados y migrantes
  • RMRP
Mar, 08/01/2023 - 14:00 - Jue, 08/03/2023 - 22:30