Needs and Proposals for 2022: Protection Sector
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to members of the Sector and groups suffering of disproportionate impacts.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to members of the Sector and groups suffering of disproportionate impacts.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly refugee and migrant youth from Venezuela between 18 and 23 years old.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly members of the LGBTIQ+ community and people living with HIV.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly indigenous populations
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly sex workers.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly victims of human trafficking and smuggling.
Infographic illustrating the results of the Regional Consultations to groups with disproportionate impacts, particularly survivors of gender-based violence.
El propósito del presente Manual del Emprendimiento Migrante es brindar recomendaciones con el fin de orientar a las personas migrantes en México sobre los aspectos fundamentales que deben tener en cuenta al iniciar un emprendimiento comercial. Migrar es un proceso que implica un trabajo de reflexión muy grande, aprender y olvidar, redefinir prioridades y trabajar para alcanzarlas. Los componentes desarrollados en este Manual se enfocan en aspectos básicos, que son muy útiles antes de iniciar un negocio o en las primeras etapas del emprendimiento, por lo que es útil para personas recién llegadas al país o interesadas en conocer los pasos necesarios para emprender antes de invertir en ello. Inicia la lectura de este Manual con optimismo y seguridad, dos condiciones claves del éxito de quien emprende su sueño de negocio.
Estudio acerca del impacto que ha tenido la epidemia por la COVID-19 sobre las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPymes) en Colombia durante el segundo semestre de 2020, específicamente en los departamentos de Antioquia, Atlántico, Arauca, Norte de Santander, La Guajira y Valle del Cauca, territorios que actualmente concentran buena parte de la actividad productiva nacional y han sido importantes receptores de población refugiada y migrante venezolana.
Excel template for activity submissions to the RMRP 2022
Respuesta del GTRM Perú para el mes de julio 2021.
Situation update and report of activities of R4V partners.
Relatório de Situação produzido pela Plataforma R4V Brasil no mês de Junho de 2021, em inglês.
Situation report of the acitvities implemented on July 2021 by R4V partners across Southern Cone
This document is a draft version for piloting of the Cash & Environment Checklist prepared by the Project “Environmental Considerations in Cash & Voucher Assistance” which UNHCR Colombia is developing with financial support of UNEP and in collaboration with the Colombia Cash Working Group (CWG). It contains 7 sheets, the contents and considerations of each of them are described below.
In addition to responding to the principles established in several international frameworks such as the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016) or the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (2018), the GAM is a standardized tool to design and implement better projects and to develop capacities for gender mainstreaming, including age and disability. It is also the only quantitative source of global data that allows the RMRP to have an overall report on its progress in this regard. The GAM encourages planning, implementing, and monitoring plans and projects to reflect on the specific needs of the population based on gender, age and/or disability, and to identify whether the proposed assistance is relevant, responsive, and adapted to the needs and priorities of all population groups.
Situation Report covering main developments and response highlights from April to June 2021 of RMRP partners in 17 countries of the R4V regional response.