Trinidad & Tobago Launch of the 2022 RMRP

04 Mar 2022 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

*Timezone: UTC. The time of this event is displayed in UTC, please add it to a calendar to adapt it to your local timezone.




The Venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis is one of the biggest external displacement crises in the world today. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded an already desperate situation for many refugees and migrants, as well as their host countries, testing the ability of countries to assist vulnerable populations.

With state capacities under pressure and social service provision at its limits, there is an urgent need to complement government efforts to support vulnerable populations. Additional support is essential to meet both immediate humanitarian needs and to address longer-term development gaps, with the aim of facilitating the socio-economic inclusion of refugees and migrants, as an opportunity for all.

The Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V), in close collaboration with local organisations, has coordinated its efforts and strategic intentions to produce the 2022 RMRP, which aims to address new challenges in delivering basic support and protection to these persons in need, as well as to the local communities which host them.


-    Welcoming remarks 
-    Brief overview of the Regional and Caribbean Refugee and Migrant Response Plan 2022
-    Overview of Refugee and Migrant Response Plan 2022 for Trinidad and Tobago 
-    Concluding remarks 
-    Questions

  • Refugees and migrants
sex, 03/04/2022 - 18:00 - sex, 03/04/2022 - 19:30