International Donors' Conference 2021

Convened by the Government of Canada, in collaboration with UNHCR and IOM as co-leaders of the R4V Platform, the International Donors' Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants (which met on 17 June 2021) raised USD 2.35 billion (including USD 975 million in grants and USD 1.4 billion in loans) for the response to Venezuelan displacement in the Americas and Caribbean.

This amount includes the ongoing contributions of some members of the international community plus seven new donor countries to the response for refugees and migrants from Venezuela and their host communities.   

The Conference included the participation of Karina Gould (Minister of International Development of Canada), António Vitorino (Director General of IOM), Filippo Grandi (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), Eduardo Stein (Joint Special Representative for Venezuelan refugees and migrants), António Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations), Luis Almagro (Secretary General, Organization of American States), Inger Ashing (Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International), Juan Viloria Doria (President, Coalición por Venezuela), Francesco Rocca (President, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), and J. Welby Leaman (Senior Director, Global Government Affairs - Americas & Africa, Walmart, Inc., Co-Chair Transparency and Regulatory Cooperation Working Group, Americas Business Dialogue).

During the event, there were testimonial videos by refugees and migrants in the Americas who shared their stories of integration and bravery. The Conference concluded with the pledging session in which XX countries participated and pledged their support to the response. 

Thematic Side Events

*Some events have been recorded in both English and Spanigh, others only have one language available, please see the full playlist here.

Vaccination and the Impact of COVID-19 on the Access to Essential Health Services

Health Sector Side Event

Humanitarian-Development Nexus for Venezuelans: Bridging WASH Policy and Services

WASH Sector Side Event

The Crises the Reshaped Food Insecurity: Venezuelans & their Struggle to put Food on the Table

Food Security Sector Side Event

Humanitarian Transport as a Response & Its Impact on Mitigating Human Trafficking Risks

Humanitarian Transport Sector Side Event

Access to Adequate Housing for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela

Shelter Sector Side Event

Ensuring Adequate Nutrition in Refugee and Migrant Children and Women: What does It Take?

Nutrition Sector Side Event

Ensuring the Right to Education for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela

Education Sector Side Event

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